Dixit Game

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From our homes to yours

Dixit A lovingly illustrated game of creative guesswork, where the players’ imaginations unlock the story. In this award-winning board game, players will use the beautiful imagery on their cards to. Mar 01, 2018 Dixit is the lovingly illustrated game of creative guesswork, where your imagination unlocks the tale. In this award-winning board game, players will use the beautiful imagery on their cards to bluff their opponents and guess which image matches the story.

In these difficult times, we see families needing joy and entertainment more than ever; turning towards board games and party games to bring their loved ones together. We at Asmodee have created free print & play versions of some of our most popular family games, for anyone to print, use, and enjoy from home.

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  • Dobble / Spot It!

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  • Dixit

    A picture is worth a thousand words. Dixit is an enchanting game that unlocks your imagination!

  • Unlock!

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  • Carcassonne

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  • Match Up

    Team up to find the key in this cooperative trivia game!

  • HINT

    Can you DRAW major islands, HUM charity records, TALK about pasta types or MIME British design icons? Get a taste of the HINT experience!

  • Cortex / Braintopia

    Challenge your brain in a game that tests your thinking, memory, and speed skills!

  • Timeline Classic

    Be the first to correctly place your card on the Timeline to win the game!

  • Concept Kids

    No need to talk to communicate!

  • Time's Up! Kids

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  • Rory's Story Cubes

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  • Choose Your Own Adventure: War with the Evil Power Master

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  • 7 Wonders Duel

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  • Citadels

    Build a city fit for a king and earn the coveted post of Master Builder!

  • Combo Color

    The game of conquest by colors!

  • Concept

    You don’t need to talk to communicate!

  • Love Letter

    Win the heart of the Princess by delivering your love letter in this quintessential card game.

  • One Key

    Find the Key to the riddle!

  • Corinth

    A roll-and-write game where players play merchants selling their goods!

  • KeyForge

    Enter the Crucible with four decks for the world’s only Unique Deck Game!

  • Time Stories

    Save Damien in this time-travel adventure!

  • Choose Your Own Adventure

    The classic Choose Your Own Adventure series comes to life in this new narrative adventure game. Will you survive the House of Danger?

  • Sherlock Holmes

    Play one of the full adventures from the Thames Murders and Other Cases box to discover the classic of cooperative investigation games. Tailored for remote play!

  • Splendor

    Become the most prestigious of merchants with this tactical, simple and addictive game.

  • Deep Blue

    The Captain returns - A scenario for 1 to 3 players for Deep Blue.

  • Five Tribes

    Play Five Tribes solo version

  • Nusfjord

    Expand your fishing fleet and build the best buildings in this worker placement game!

  • Asmodee Digital

    A free selection of the world’s most popular board games on mobile and PC.

  • Aconyte

    Aconyte Books is the novels division of Asmodee Entertainment, creating new and exciting content.

We will update with more content in the coming weeks. Please check back soon.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Dixit Game Online

Dixit is an enchanting game which summons your imagination. Discover 84 dreamlike illustrations on big cards and interpret them.
A storyteller chooses one card of its hand of cards and proposes an accurate theme. Other players use this theme to
select a card from their hand which inspires them. All the cards are shuffled and revealed. Players must find the teller’s card. To score points, the theme must be neither too simple or too complex.


Designer: Jean-Louis Roubira
Artist: Marie Cardouat

Dixit game cards

Release: December 2008

Dixit Game Art

The next expansion of Dixit will be released in November 2020.